Sunday, July 08, 2012

Another View from a Friend

I have a web-friend who has a blog called Spockgirl Musings.  She has commented on several posts and has claimed to have read the whole blog (a feat I don't think that even I have done).

A while back when I was asking about Ferris Bueller she sent me an email with a little bit of art she did.

She Southparked me and challenged me to post the pic.  Well, I'm certainly not one to back down from a challenge (ask my inner prop).  Here is her image of me as a Southpark character.

What do you think?


Spockgirl said...

Ah... no... I had read Miserable Donuts in its entirety (a feat in and of itself), but not the complete contents of your blog. I'm not that crazy. Heh.

The other avatars I had put together ended up being pretty darn close to the people I made them for. Curious to know what your reader(s?) will think of yours. I went with a feel of structures, rules and regulations. Thanks for posting it! Hope it makes someone chuckle.

Anonymous said...

Close enough. It's cute and I give her "A" for effort and thoughtfulness.

Anonymous said...

anonymous is Auntie Char, by the way.