Thursday, September 19, 2013

Happy INTERNATIONAL Talk Like a Pirate Day

It has been far too long, but I've been trying to get some guidance and some go ahead to post about where I am and what I'm doing.  I've gotten no such communication, but I have to post anyway.

Today is International Talk Like a Pirate Day.  I have to mention that because I am in Africa.  I have not talked like a pirate, but everyone here thinks I talk funny anyway.

Enjoy the day and as things move forward I think I will get into a better routine and be able to post more.

School bus, school bus, school bus (parked at the Kibaha Hotel, not too far from Dar Es Salaam).


Anonymous said...

Hi, Bill! So, sorry, I didn't get a chance to say goodbye the day you left. I talked to your Mom and she told me how she got to say goodbye to you the day you were leaving.
So glad you're able to communicate via Blogs and e-mails. Didn't like the idea of you being over there for so long without hearing from you. Love you, keep safe and continue to communicate, please. xoxoxox A.Char

LTC John said...

Like the jingle truck's little cousins.