I working on the general premise of "Global Warming Godzilla."
I also added a poll on cryptids since my main character is a Cryptobiologist (Gudrun (formerly Cocaine) Forkbeard).
You are welcome to discuss cryptids and that sort of thing here too.
What do you think of the idea and the story brief?
I. Where: Just outside of Churchill, Manitoba Canada
II. When: Mid June
III. What: A team from the PAABGW investigates reports of a mysterious creature that is killing and eating polar bears. While investigating, a UFO launches from underground nearby. They find that an alien race had come to earth during the Little Ice Age to stop the spread of another alien (the "Mud Monster"). The aliens of the UFO created the LIA to stop the "creature" but now they are giving up on humanity because we just won’t help ourselves.
IV. Who:
A. Presidential Auxiliary Advisory Board on Global Warming (PAABGW)
-1. Roland Coaster PhD. - head of the board
-2. LtCmdr Tenesha Flax - USN military leader of the PAABGW
-3. Ezekiel Hose PhD - Leader of this investigation. PhD in Biology, Vet Med etc.
-4. Gudrun Forkbeard PhD - PhD in Cryptozoology, Biology, Anthropology
-5. Hoyt Beaubien PhD - Creole Geologist and Chemist
-6. Fatma Erdogan PhD - Turkish woman Meteorologist
-7. SGT Jesus Pena - driver and NCOIC
-8. SPC Videl Vega - driver
-9. CPT Robert Gullette - Canadian Army OIC
B. Natives
-1. Diane Gillock - PA and Tundra Buggy driver - guide to village
-2. Vernia Longwell - Tribal elder
C. Aliens
-1. "Mud Monster" aka "The Creature" [give this another, cool name] a portion of the same mold /fungus creature from "Nay So Much a Man." An ancient intelligence bent on destroying mankind [why?]
-2. [Cool named aliens that fly the UFO]
V. Storyline:
A. Gudrun joins the team in Churchill. They take two hummers with RV trailers to the village. Along the way, Gudrun talks to Diane and learns that Diane visits villages on a monthly medical round during the off-season. Recently the village told her that something, not of their legends, was killing and "eating" polar bears. Diane has seen one.
B. When they arrive at the village, they meet the elder, Vernia Longwell who leads them to one of the PB. It is dead with no decay and a circle of death all around. Anything that touches it dies. No natural decaying agents (mold, bacteria, insects etc) have invaded the corpse, even though it's been dead and above freezing temp for a week. The team investigates the rest of the day.
C. During the night, they hear some strange noise and something is strange about the night sky. In the morning, they get a call from NORAD to investigate a UFO nearby.
D. They go out to investigate the launch site of the UFO and find it is near the PB, which is now gone. They find a huge hole in the tundra.
E. At some point, they leave the hole and the last one out gets grabbed by something inside the hole. When they run to help they find that the hole has been filled in.
F. Gudrun realizes that it is the same entity that she found in Alaska and that they creature is really that big and trying to pull itself together.
G. Narrow escape and aftermath
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