Monday, January 09, 2012

2012 Resolution Worksheet

I’ve been doing a lot of research, looking for a better way to manage my tasks/time.  I pushed and squeezed and prodded and stomped on, but I just can’t get Allen’s GTD to fit my life.  I NEED priorities, I need that life goal orientation, but I need it to be able to zoom down into daily activities.

I've reviewed last year's resolutions and although I accomplished more than I think  a lot of people do, I didn't get a majority of the things I wanted to do done.

If I carried forward the things that I didn't do last year I would have:

1. Weight - >220
2. Finish P90

1. Quarterly Dates
2. Game Night
3. New Pet
4. Walks

1. Play with my family (both in my house and a holiday gatherings)
2. Learn to play bass

1. Commissioner Key
2. Archaeology Merit Badge Clinic

1. Do NaNoEdMo in March
2. Submit my NaNoWriMo 2010 novel to a publisher

1. Don't get laid off  (though this was a success last year, I'm keeping it)
2. Get a Promotion

Also, these were the goals I thought up back in early November:
“I have some new goals. Some have developed from these and some are completely new. I'm going to record them so I don't forget. These are new and not carry-overs from 2011:

1. New Job outside ADD
2. Fix Lincoln Avenue Trail
3. One new fiction story a week (maybe I can split this between fiction and Papa stories)
4. Learn sax and get back in both the Libertyville Band and the CLC band
5. P90X or Insanity
6. 100 Bike commutes
7. Learn bass
8. Earn the right to write a NaNoWriMo by making 3 novel submissions by November”

Some of those match each other and some of them I just don't want to do any more (or think they wouldn't be worth doing).  Also, this says nothing to continuing what I already have, but for the sake of argument let me put the two lists together with what I think are worthwhile.

1. Weight  >220
2. Finish P90X or Insanity

1. Quarterly Dates
2. New Pet
3. Walks

1. Play with my family (both in my house and a holiday gatherings)
2. Learn to play bass
3. Learn sax and get back in both the Libertyville Band and the CLC band

1. Commissioner Key

1. Do NaNoEdMo in March
2. Earn the right to write a NaNoWriMo by making 3 novel submissions by November
3. One new fiction story a week (maybe I can split this between fiction and Papa stories)

1. Don't get laid off  (though this was a success last year, I'm keeping it)
2. Get a Promotion outside ADD

There are two others that don't fit these categories:

1.  Learn Greek
2. Fix Lincoln Avenue Trail

I've found a website called LifeHack and an article there with a New Year's Resolution Worksheet.  I think I should put this together with the four basic needs and come up with 4 goals for this year.

So I will give myself a goal to meet the following needs:

Physical (Health and Work)
Honestly I've got to split these out, I can't have one without the other, for so many reasons.
1.  P90X or Insanity
2.  Get a new position

Social (Family)
Quarterly Dates - one substantial date each quarter

Mental (Music and Writing)
Make at least 4 novel submissions this year

Spiritual (Scouting)
Commissioner's Key

The article gives 9 parts to each resolution.  I'm going to take each of these in the next five days and write out those 9 steps.

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